Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Pi Network, crytocurrency for free coins 免费 Pi 币

I have never buy any crypto currency in my life before.
As recently, my friend introduced me something called "Pi Network".
Initially I thought it will be a scam, asking you to keep adding people like an MLM. By doing research and personally understand the whole concept, I decided to join. (of course, its free!)

By understanding the concept of it, it is truly amazing as it doesn't need any complicated effort for continuing.
What it really needs is just 2 steps
1. Open the Pi App
2. Click on the button

That's all for a day and it will mine the coins based on the hourly rate that you have at that moment.

Talking doesn't give you anything. If you interested, just click the link below and add me for better mining rate.

Pi is a new digital currency being developed by a group of Stanford PhDs. For a limited time, you can join the beta to earn Pi and help grow the network. To join Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/hanifchai and use my username (hanifchai) as your invitation code.

1⃣ 主流货币全球流通,100多国家同时上线挖矿。
2⃣ 不需要验证!不需要支付宝!不需要身份证!不需要银行卡!
3⃣ 零投资!零风险!没有矿机!没有矿池!不需要复投!算力永久!注册就开始挖矿!!
4⃣ 会员数量限产机制!当达到1百万用户,产量减半!以后人数每翻翻一倍就减产一半(比特币前期挖矿模式)。
5⃣ 10月份上线内部转账交易,现已有人预定两块一个币,注册每天挖矿11.76个币,满72小时可以建安全圈产量翻倍,也就是每天产23个币,保底下次减产时你能挖3600+个币
6⃣ 2020年3月14上线全球交易!在这大半年时间里!我们做为首批矿工!单挖都可以挖几千枚!
7 内置聊天室!全球各国矿工APP内畅谈聊天挖矿!
8 目前内部定价2块一枚,一天可以免费撸几十块,我们没有复投不玩套路,越挖的早挖的越多
🌏 🌎 🌍
不要动不动就觉得是骗人的 ,完全0投资的一个项目。